Sunday, July 8, 2012

Letters from Our Relations, Miss Molly Takes Issue with Today's Provision

Dear Miss Lotus, 

I cannot believe what happened this morning!  I went to my breakfast bowl where normally a nice supply of my favorite kibble is waiting for me.  Look what was there instead.

What the *purr* is that? Excuse me, but I will take my meal with no eyes, thank you.  A nice batch of brown crunchy wafers will do just fine! What is my mum thinking?

Baffled and Hungry,

Miss Molly

Dear Miss Molly,

O.K., here is when I must agree with your mum.  You know, you are a true meat eater, not a veggie or sugar eater.  In two-legged terms, you are a carnivore, not an herbivore or vegetarian.  Alas, most of the crunchy wafers you like are full of grains.  Now, imagine yourself in a field of wheat.  A small mouse darts by.  What would you do?  Gnaw on the wheat or chase after the mouse?  You might be briefly entertained by the wheat, but, being a cat myself, I know you would go after the mouse!  There are some other signs that you would prefer the mouse over the wheat: your teeth are meant for stabbing and tearing, and your claws are to help you catch and hold-on to prey (as well as injure them).  Your intestines (you know, your gut) are short to quickly pass your diet so it won’t sit and stew inside of you.  Now cows—those creatures who love plants—have no claws, have teeth for grinding, and have a gut specifically designed to breakdown those plants!  In fact, some two-leggeds (the white-jacketed ones) claim that we felines can’t even taste the sugar (the fancy shmancy term is “carbohydrates”) that is in plants because we were never meant to eat them!! Now that is interesting! (Although, I am scared to know how they know that.) 

Alas, all kinds of grains are found in our food made by the two-leggeds.  It is a great “filler” and is cheap, but it seems to damage our health over the long-run, so ends-up being quite expensive.  Some two-leggeds claim that diabetes and kidney failure are a result of eating grains.  Kidney failure may also be a result of eating those very dry crunchy wafers you like!  Those things are actually quite dehydrating!

So, if you would choose a mouse over a field of wheat in nature, then why do you choose the crunchy grain-filled wafers over the fish in your own home?  Well, Miss Molly, you are such a creature of habit!  You will need to unlearn those two-legged ways and find your inner wildcat.  Your mum must gently transition you to your new species appropriate diet if she is determined to do so.  Now, the good news is that some of those wafers are now grain free, so she can use those while trying to get you to eat a healthy and hydrating diet.  I recommend this e-book for feline parents:  Raw Fed Cats. 

Now, let it be known that I am not giving you or my devoted readers medical advice, just some insights based on my own studies at Feline University—and what I consider to be a dab of common sense! Hehe!  But I will advise you, dear Miss Molly, to open your mind a bit and remember the primal cat dwelling within.  Eat your fish!

Yours Truly,

Miss Lotus, editor, In the Muse

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