Monday, June 25, 2012

Letter from our Relations, Miss Gypsy seeks a Home

Miss Gypsy was unable to be photographed
due to her wandering ways...she just won't sit still
long enough!
Dear Miss Lotus,
I live in a safe neighborhood with outdoor privileges and lots of perks like wildlife areas with creeks, birds nesting in trees, and friendly two-leggeds. Lately as I tour my outdoor paradise, I have become envious of my peers at the corner lot. It seems that their two-leggeds spend a lot of time and attention to their seven feline kin who seem particularly happy and possesive of their living arrangement. Today, I put in an application at this corner lot to see if they would accept me into their family. Although I did not get an outright rejection letter, I did not get accepted either. I was told that there were no vacancies at this time. I did not run away immediately. I let them see that I was affectionate, well groomed, and that I knew all the polite mannerisms that endear me to the two-leggeds, like gazes with eyes half-closed and proper domesticated sitting poses. Dear Miss Lotus, what can I do to improve my adoption possibilities?
Yours Truly,
Gypsy Queen
My Dear Miss Gypsy, 
I will tell you what worked with one of our feline sisters when she wanted to move-in with a specific two-legged family: she wouldn't take no for an answer! Now, this does not mean by force, such as storming the cat door and defeating the kitties who already dwell there! To the contrary! You must finesse your way-in. Now my feline sister in question would run to the two-leggeds whenever they came outside and meow ever so sweetly while rubbing against the two-leggeds' leg. If you do this, the usual response is that the two-legged bends down to pet you. Then you look-up and offer another sweet "meow." Do the one that sounds like a question. That's a good one! Keep talking, because the two-leggeds like to try and figure out what you are saying. They usually decide that you are hungry, and, of course as a gypsy cat, you probably are. Once they start bringing you food, then you slowly become their "outdoor kitty." Soon, they start spending more time outside just to be with you. Now, at this point, you may be happy and satisfied to be an outdoor member of the family, but being that there are so many dangers with being an outdoor kitty in a busy neighborhood, I would suggest sticking close to the house, maybe even at the front entry, right by the door. Eventually, you can try and take a step inside when a two-legged either enters or leaves. At first, they will protest, but done often enough, they tend to relax. The main way into the family is, of course, through the heart. With such a sweet kitty as yourself, you will be a member of their household in no time!
Good Luck Miss Gypsy Queen! You will be with your forever family soon, I am sure!
Yours Truly,
Miss Lotus

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