Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Letters from our Relations, Miss Taffy

Often, my relations send me letters asking for my help.  Now, because my English skills are pretty special, I can translate the letters I receive so that the two-leggeds, our human family, can read them.  Here is one from Miss Taffy.

Miss Taffy
“I have been trying to tell my mum why I love to sit next to her—right up against her leg—while she reads or works on the computer.  Sometimes, I like her lap, but mostly I just sit against her body.  Of course, Miss Lotus, the contact between her body and mine makes such a nice energy exchange.  I can feel her send love to me through this contact even when she doesn’t realize it! Her love is always there in her heart, and when I sit next to her, it is as if her heart light turns on and sends me her love even when she is too busy to notice! Her love for me flows to me anyway!  It’s magic, really.  I send love right back to her too.  I also like to be petted because of the loving feeling of touch.  Sometimes, I do cling a little too tightly while resting against mum, and she gently moves me to another part of the couch.  I like to wait until she is distracted by her book or computer before I sneak back and sit tightly against her again!  HeeHee! Oh, I can be naughty!  If she moves me again, I manage to sneak my way back to her warm leg.  This goes on for a while before mum just lets me have my way—as usual!  That’s all I ask, really…to have my way!  Oh, I do love my mum!

I would be so grateful if you could translate my letter and put it on your blog for my mum.”

Miss Taffy       

Here I am by my mum's leg!

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