Thursday, June 14, 2012

Letters from our Relations, Miss Taffy

Oh, me thinks Miss Taffy is gonna be a frequent contributor to my blog!!  Here is another letter from her.

Dear Miss Lotus,

Miss Taffy
You will never guess what I did today!  Well, first you will never guess what mum did today!  She was in such a hurry to leave the home that she forgot to scoop my potty!  Ugh!  I have to share my potty with two sisters, so it was a mess! My sisters are much cruder than I, so they don’t mind stepping into that mess and just adding more messes!  I couldn’t believe that I was expected to place my sweet feet in such a pit.  It takes me too long to clean these feet, and there just wasn’t sufficient room to meet my needs, so guess what I did?  (hehehheehe)  Well, I took a brief walk around the laundry area, and I spotted the perfect potty for today: a dustpan! Ohhhh, I can still feel the excitement!  A clean area for peepee!  I sauntered over to my sparkling white kitty port-o-potty, and shoved my rear onto the pan and gloriously relieved myself!  When mum came home, she did not notice my misdeed for a while. I sat watching her, waiting for the moment when she would spot my peepee-pan.  Suddenly, she looked in the corner where the broom and the dustpan are stored.  She looked away and then looked once more.  Hehhehehe “Gotcha!”  She then turned to me.  What was I to do?  I just looked back and said with my eyes, “Um, you forgot to clean my potty.”  Mum was silent.  She then took my peepee-pan outside and washed it.  When she came back, she scooped the potty like a good mum.  I believe my work is done, and mum will not forget to clean the potty anymore.

Your Friend,

Miss Taffy
My Work is Done!

Oh dear, Miss Taffy.  It is unfortunate the measures we must take to communicate with our two-legged relations.  I agree that your mum should be more vigilant about the potty messes just to be sure that you and your sisters remain clean and healthy.  Really, potties should be scooped at least once a day, but you have done well with teaching your mum to please always remember to provide a clean potty for the feline kin.  Sometimes, more than one potty may be needed if there are several feline family members.  (In fact, some two-leggeds provide one litter box for every feline they have, plus one more!) Kudos to you, my dear friend Taffy! 
Yours Truly,
Miss Lotus
Editor, In the Muse

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