Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Letter from our Relations, Miss Molly

Miss Molly writes of her concerns over something that she sees in photos.

Dear Miss Lotus,

My mum was looking at old photos the other day.  She takes so many photos of her four-legged family, but something really startled me!  I noticed that many of my feline brethren have “evil eyes!”  What’s wrong with our eyes?? Look at me!!

And my sister, Lucy

My other sister, Taffy

And even my brother, Fallon

And look what happened to my sister Pumpkin!

She became a Christmas village piece!

In fear of my eyes,


Dear Miss Molly,

Oh, my, Miss Molly.  You have worked yourself into a tizzy!  Relax and be assured that your eyes are not “evil eyes,” but are a glorious gift for your nighttime travels!  Now, as you know, you are more active at night, no? That is the same with your brother, Fallon.  Because you are more active at night, you and other animals like you have crystals in your eyes that allow you to see in the dark.  WooHoo!  Let me tell you how our two-legged relations describe it.

The two-leggeds, being fancy-shmancy, call the structure that makes our eyes glow the “tapetum lucidum.”  The two-leggeds can be clever (well, sometimes) and use the word “lucid” (“lucidum”) which means “clear.”  “Tapetum” means “layer,” or more specifically “layer of cells.”  So this layer of cells, which contains crystals, brings clarity to the dark, or allows for night vision.  You see, the crystals reflect the light that may not have been used by your eye; by reflecting that light, this magical tapetum lucidum gives you a second chance to use that light! Such powerful creatures we night walkers are!  Hehe.  So don’t confuse your powerful eyes for “evil eyes.”  In photos, they just reflect the light from the flash the two-leggeds use.  Now I will tell you who has evil eyes: have you ever seen photos of two-leggeds with red eyes???  Such horror! 

Yours Truly,

Miss Lotus 


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